Sardinian Jazz Festival 2020 *coming soon*

Sardinian Jazz Festival 2020 *coming soon*

/ As soon as possible /

The artists present will be:

Shar/Dada è un’orgogliosa celebrazione delle radici culturali dei due artisti, condotta attraverso l’evocazione simbolica del popolo degli Shardana da un lato e la sperimentazione di Dada dall’altro. Il misterioso popolo isolano dedito alla perenne navigazione che incontra il no-sense dell’arte europea del primo Novecento, ci condurrà in una navigazione simbolica.
Shar/Dada is a proud celebration of the cultural roots of the two artists, conducted through the symbolic evocation of the Shardana on the one hand and Dada’s experimentation on the other. The mysterious island people devoted to the perennial navigation that meets the no-sense of early 20th century European art, will lead us into a symbolic navigation, an ideal aspiration, which refers to a naturally hybrid attitude, typical of cultures and places taken as sources of inspiration, unfolding through the scrolling of a series of narrative paintings. Zoe Pia on clarinet, launeddas, small clarinet, saxoflute and toys. Roberto De Nittis on piano, toy piano, mini hammond and toys.

Zoe Pia – Clarinet
Roberto De Nittis – Pian

Alaa Zouiten
Il trio offre un interessante fusione di arabesque, jazz, flamenco e gnaoua. Adomeit ha una formazione jazz e Satterwhite ha passato anni a suonare con musicisti cubani a NYC e rumeni a Berlino. Il risultato è un vero mix di rimandi sonori che spaziano dal Maghreb ai Caribe fino all’est della Moldavia.
This trio plays zouitens compositions as well as some curated classics that complement his tasty fusion of arabesque and jazz, flamenco and gnaoua. Adomeit is jazz trained and Satterwhite spent years playing with Cubans in NYC and Romanians in berlin the result is true mix of flavors from the Maghreb to the Caribean and as far east as Moldova.

Roland Satterwhite – Violin
Alaa Zouiten – Arabic oud
Matt Adomeit – d. Bass